Reason I've been so busy the past few days. Been crafting a "surprise" for Sinterklaas. It's like Secret Santa, but for kids during the Sinterklaas period. For those unfamiliar with what you can see in the photos: this is a Battle Bus from Fortnite, made entirely out of cardboard, 4 skewers, a shoe lace and a balloon. Obviously we also used glue and tape. And lots of paint to decorate it. My eldest son is not as crafty as I am, so I helped him "a little" 😂 He wouldn't have been able to finish this in time without me. Besides, I figured this is probably the last time I'll have the chance to help him with this, since surprises are a thing from elementary school here. The back side opens so the person it's made for receives Fortnite gifts which is what they asked for, hence the theme of the surprise.
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