Made these labels for the presents during our family's Sinterkerst get together last weekend.
Sinterkerst is a mixture of Sinterklaas and Christmas, during which we have a Secret Santa type activity (called surprise, French pronunciation) and yummy food and sweets.
The toddlers are too young to buy gifts and come up with a poem. But they still receive gifts from grandparents/aunts/uncles etc.
Hubby, myself and our eldest son did participate. Hubby ordered the gifts, our eldest wrote the poem himself with a little help from us. Hubby wrote 2 poems for the both of us, and I wrapped all the presents and created/added these tags.
We also sneaked in a few extra gifts for our eldest, even though he already received a bigger present during Sinterklaas.
I didn't include the names on the tags here, but you get the idea.
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