It's been exactly one year since I started streaming in Dutch over on Twitch. I started out as SimsNetwerk, but now I'm streaming as Rosiewosie.
Coincidentally it's also King's Day today. Since my Dutch Twitchversary (Twitch Anniversary) is forever going to be on the same day as King's Day, I thought it would be fun to do a special shell challenge.
I came up with the Twitchversary Crown Shell Challenge. It's a crown because of King's Day. But you can decorate the build in your own style to celebrate my Twitch anniversary with me!
You can find this shell on the Sims 4 Gallery, my username is SimsNetwork. I'm using the hashtags #rosiewosietwitchversary and #rosiewosietwitchversary2021. Download the lot and place it on any 30x30 lot (or bigger), finish it, and upload it again without changing the hashtags. The hashtags is the method I use to track all the entries. If you don't include the hashtag I won't be able to find your entry.
- Don't remove any existing walls.
- You can change the height of the walls if you want.
- You can add half walls and fences.
- You can create rooms and decorate the building any way you like. There are no walls on the inside of the building, so feel free to add walls inside! Just don't add walls on the outside of the building. At least not attached to the crown building. We want to be able to recognise the crown later on.
- You can add additional rooms/buildings on the same lot if you want/need to, just make sure the crown is still the main building.
- You can clone the crown room and stack it to make the building higher.
- I'd love to see you make this building your own. Decorate the outside in your own style. It would be fun if we can see a decorated crown from the top down and neighbourhood view.
- Be creative, do your own thing, you can add special features that have something to do with me, my channel and the Twitchversary.
- Don't use any CC unless it's created by me and from my site SimsNetwork!
- You're free to use MOO and debug cheats.
The deadline for your entry is June 25, 2021. I will also have a StoryBox challenge going on at the same time, so you get extra time for this challenge. I will tour all the entries on my Dutch Twitch channel, date TBD! If you don't speak Dutch you can still participate, and I will show your build, but the stream will be in Dutch. Don't forget to join the Discord for updates on when I'm going live again!